Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The end of encryption?

Post-Quantum Cryptography
Daniel J. Bernstein

The textbook expressed concern that quantum computing will someday end encryption. If this is true, there will be a major security crisis if and when quantum computers become generally available. This made me wonder if alternatives would be developed to provide secure encryption in the quantum computing age? I reviewed a pdf book on the topic. Much of the book is highly technical and way over my head. But the answer is no, quantum computing will not end encryption. A great deal of research is being done to come up with quantum proof encryption methods. Most secret key methods such as AES should be still secure. But public key methods such as RSA and ECC will be vulnerable. A number of alternative methods of public key encryption are being researched. Lattice based methods such as NTRUencrypt look promising. There are many alternatives that are available but not all have been thoroughly tested for security. Others methods have been been proven very secure but they are very inefficient or use very long keys. More work has to be done to create practical alternatives.  

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