Thursday, November 7, 2013

Big Brother Is Watching You.

How stores use your phone’s WiFi to track your shopping habits


October 19, 2013

I find this article rather disturbing. Stores are beginning to monitor people’s cell phone Wi-Fi and Bluetooth signals when they visit stores. They are doing this by picking up the devices MAC address. Using this technology, they can track your every movement through the store. Your cellphone MAC number can be linked with the purchases you make when you go to the checkout stand. The stores are keeping this information in a database, so they can monitor your movements and purchases as you make return visits. The database can be shared between multiple stores. The company that makes the equipment to do this has an opt-out policy. But how many people even know that they are being monitored? Also, the stores that buy this equipment are not obligated to follow the opt-out policy.  Privacy advocates are concerned. What guarantee will there be that this that this technology won’t be misused to illegally monitor and track people? 

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