Thursday, November 28, 2013


I also looked at GPG4Win. This is a front end for GPG for the Windows environment. It seems to have much of the same functionality as PGP and is compatible with it. It does give users a freeware option if they need PGP capability. The main drawback I see is that GPG4Win has it functionality split into different tools while everything is available in one tool in PGP. This makes GPG4Win a little more clunky and difficult to figure out. Certificates management is done by Kleopatra. This program can also is used to encrypted and decrypt programs. Keys are managed by a tool called GPA. This tool also can do encryption of files as well as from the clipboard. The GPA tool was not included in the default installation. Still it wasn't too bad and is a viable alternative to PGP.


Many people use web based mail programs. I wanted to see if there was an easy to use encryption program for working with these programs. I found a convenient and very easy to use open source tool called Mailvelop. This program works with common mail programs such as Yahoo, Gmail, and Outlook. Other mail programs can be added. It is available as an add on to the Firefox or Chrome browsers. It works as a front end to GPG. When composing an email an icon appears in the writing window. When clicked a box appears that allows a message to be created. This box functions as a sandbox to separate the text from the mail program. Click a lock to encode. A box appears to chose a key. Select the key and it encrypts the message. Hit transfer and the message is sent to the email program. There is also an option that can be selected to allow encryption to be done in the email editor. This is easier but less secure since drafts can be saved unencrypted.

Decrypting is also very easy. Mailvelop detects when an encrypted message is sent. A lock appears. Click on the lock. A sandbox appears. Enter the pass phrase and the message appears in the sand box. There is also an option to cache the password but this is not recommend.

A lock icon in the browser corner allows confirmation of Mailvelop, and key creation and management. It has some limits. It does not encrypted attachments. Nor is it able to do signatures. Other programs will have to be used for that.

Version: Mailvelope v0.7.0
Comment: Email security by Mailvelope -



For this week’s blog I looked at some different encryption tools. To encourage people to actually use encryption, it has to be easy to use. One tool I looked at was TrueCrypt. TrueCrypt is an opensource free encryption tool that has many of the same features as Microsoft’s Bitlocker. It can encrypt folders and drives. There is a portable version that works with USB drives. It is quite easy to use. The TrueCrypt folder acts like a drive. Normal folder operations can be used and it will automatically handle the encryption and decryption. Data in the encrypted folder is never stored in an unencrypted form on the drive but only in memory. It works with Windows, Linux, and Apple. BitLocker only works with the professional version of Windows, which limits its use. TrueCrypt has a boot loading feature that allows the system to boot from an encrypted disk. TrueCrypt has several strong encryption methods available including AES. TrueCrypt has a stenographic method available which create a hidden volume or even a hidden boot drive. If I were in a work situation where people were doing work on personal devices or taking work out on USB drives, I would encourage the use of TrueCrypt.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The end of encryption?

Post-Quantum Cryptography
Daniel J. Bernstein

The textbook expressed concern that quantum computing will someday end encryption. If this is true, there will be a major security crisis if and when quantum computers become generally available. This made me wonder if alternatives would be developed to provide secure encryption in the quantum computing age? I reviewed a pdf book on the topic. Much of the book is highly technical and way over my head. But the answer is no, quantum computing will not end encryption. A great deal of research is being done to come up with quantum proof encryption methods. Most secret key methods such as AES should be still secure. But public key methods such as RSA and ECC will be vulnerable. A number of alternative methods of public key encryption are being researched. Lattice based methods such as NTRUencrypt look promising. There are many alternatives that are available but not all have been thoroughly tested for security. Others methods have been been proven very secure but they are very inefficient or use very long keys. More work has to be done to create practical alternatives.  

Escaping CryptoLocker hell

Businesses offer best practices for escaping CryptoLocker hell
By Ellen Messmer,
Nov. 18, 2012

This article gives advice on dealing with the CryptoLocker malware. This malware encrypts user data and holds it ransom until the user pays the attackers for a key to unlock the data. Sometimes the key isn't even delivered when the victim pays. The ransom is typically $300 paid in Bitcoin. Often the only effective way to deal with the attack without paying the ransom is to do a full restore from a backup. The article recommends having frequent backups and backups of the backups. CryptoLocker is dynamic since its creators are continually finding ways to have it get past spam and anti-malware filters. CryptoLocker attacks are growing. The attackers use botnets and managed to hit 10,000 victims between Oct. 27 and Nov. 1. The attackers are relying solely on phishing emails to trick the users into installing the malware. From there it can spread through the network infecting other computers. The phishing emails often contain information seeming to come from FedEx or U.P.S. CryptoLocker not the only ransomware. There is a new version of the FBI virus going around. This ransonware states that it has the victim's criminal record and will delete it for a fee. The article suggests to use virus removal for the FBI virus instead of paying the ransom.  

Security problems with iOS apps

HP: 90% of Apple iOS mobile apps show security vulnerabilities

By Ellen Messmer,

Nov. 18, 2012

HP has conducted extensive testing on more than 2,000 Apple iOS mobile apps. HP found that 90% of these apps had serious security flaws. HP found that 97% of the apps inappropriately accessed private information. HP found that 86% of the apps lack means to protect themselves for common attacks such as SQL injection or Cross Site Scripting. Three fourths did not use encryption properly, leaving data unencrypted on the device. Others did not implement SSL/HTTPS correctly. HP attributed the poor security problems to the rush of business to get apps out quickly. HP stated that Apple does provide security guidelines to developers but that the guidelines did not go far enough. Company are extending the web presence to mobile devices but are also expanding their attack surface. The HP report said, “It is our earnest belief that the pace and cost of development in the mobile space has hampered security efforts, mobile application security is still in its infancy.”

Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Art of Deception.

For this weeks blog decided to scan through the pdf version of Kevin Mitnick's book “The Art of Deception.” This book gives an interesting examination of the workings of social engineering. Mitnick describes how social engineering can defeat even the strongest security systems. He stated, “Companies that conduct security penetration tests report that their attempts to break into client company computer systems by social engineering methods are nearly 100 percent successful.”

He gives many interesting examples of scams. These scams are mostly fictional but they are based on real life situations. If I were the victim of some of these scams I could see myself falling for them.

Social engineers know how to play on human nature. They know how to play on trust, desire to help or be helped, ingratiation, friendliness, and authority. Mitnick stated, “Some of these stories might lead you to think that I believe everyone in business
is a complete idiot, ready, even eager, to give away every secret in his or her
possession. The social engineer knows isn't true. Why are social engineering
attacks so successful? It isn't because people are stupid or lack common sense.
But we, as human beings are all vulnerable to being deceived because people can
misplace their trust if manipulated in certain ways.”

Mitnick's examples show how even seemly innocuous information can be useful to gain more sensitive information. Social engineers are skilled at extracting little bits of information at a time. These pieces of information allow them to successfully poise as someone else and get the information they want. Small things like a cost center number, employee ID number, or phone extension number may be the key. Much of the success as a social engineer comes from being able to use the right insider language and knowledge. Much of the effort of social engineers is spent on gaining this knowledge.

Mitnick describes social engineers as follows, “Manipulative people usually have very attractive personalities. They are typically fast on their feet and quite articulate. Social engineers are also skilled at distracting people's thought processes so that they cooperate. To think that any one particular person is not vulnerable to this manipulation is to underestimate the skill and the killer instinct of the social engineer. A good social engineer, on the other hand, never underestimates his adversary.”

I found some examples interesting. People have been deceived to installing a trojan horse by someone poising a IT support person. They were tricked into installing what they were told was an urgent security patch. People have claimed to be law enforcement officers to gain access to confidential records. Other people have fallen to attackers claiming to be doing a customer survey. It is amazing what people can get away with if they have a good story. Even pretending to be a person who called a wrong number can work. He discuss finding information through dumpster diving and methods of using social engineering to gain access to buildings.

Mitnick gives practical advice with his examples on ways to improve security. The book gives a useful and detailed section on company security policies. Some of the technical information is dated. Mitnick stressed the need for training people so that they are aware and on guard against the dangers of social engineering. 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Response to NSA revelations

Schneier: Make Wide-Scale Surveillance Too Expensive

By Ericka Chickowski

November 06, 2013

Security and privacy advocate, Bruce Schneier, responded to the recent revelations of NSA spying with a call to make eavesdropping more expensive. If the cost of eavesdropping is too high the NSA and others spies will have to shift to targeted tracking rather than the whole tracking we see today. The vast amount of information that is collected on consumers is aiding the NSA’s monitoring. He said that what we now have is a public/private surveillance partnership. Schneier is advocating hardening the Internet for better security.  He stated, "Fundamentally, surveillance is the business model of the Internet. The NSA didn't wake up and say let's just spy on everybody. They looked up and said, 'Wow, corporations are spying on everybody. Let's get ourselves a cut.'" His main suggestion was to make encryption ubiquitous on the Internet backbone. He also advocated distributing services to make tracking more expensive. He encouraged wider use of end point security products and better anonymity tools. He also encouraged monitoring to make sure that software does not have hidden back doors. He said that while the NSA is in the limelight now it isn’t the only problem, many government agencies and private sector groups are engaged in spying. 

Big Brother Is Watching You.

How stores use your phone’s WiFi to track your shopping habits


October 19, 2013

I find this article rather disturbing. Stores are beginning to monitor people’s cell phone Wi-Fi and Bluetooth signals when they visit stores. They are doing this by picking up the devices MAC address. Using this technology, they can track your every movement through the store. Your cellphone MAC number can be linked with the purchases you make when you go to the checkout stand. The stores are keeping this information in a database, so they can monitor your movements and purchases as you make return visits. The database can be shared between multiple stores. The company that makes the equipment to do this has an opt-out policy. But how many people even know that they are being monitored? Also, the stores that buy this equipment are not obligated to follow the opt-out policy.  Privacy advocates are concerned. What guarantee will there be that this that this technology won’t be misused to illegally monitor and track people? 

Good Old XP

Microsoft urges users to upgrade from 12-year-old Windows XP

By Adam Greenburg
October 30, 2013

Good old XP. In my former work at a large semi-conductor company, we were still using XP on all our desktops. My old company is not alone. 64% of all enterprise level companies still are using XP. 52% of medium and 61% of small companies still are using XP. It got the job done and was light on system resources. But as of April 8, 2014 Microsoft will no longer provide security updates for XP SP3. It already has stopped supporting SP1 and SP2. Microsoft is urging users to upgrade to newer operating systems. This is easier said then done. Many are so many legacy computers and applications out there that need XP. XP has about a six times higher malware rate than Windows 8. When Microsoft ended its support for XP SP2, its infection rate skyrocketed 66% above XP SP3. Once XP is no longer supported, any new security hole found will remain open forever. This is a serious problem given how popular XP still is.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Metasploit tutorial.

As a network security person it is important to keep up to date on the tools that are available, both for offense and defense. Metasploit is a tool for penetration testing. It is rapidly developing. It is really a framework that allows many separate modules to work together. I found this recent video tutorial that gives an overview of Metasploit at Metasploit has scanning tools for to discover vulnerabilities.  Then there is a large database of exploits to attack those vulnerabilities. The exploit then delivers a payload which is the result desired from the attack. This can include opening a remote session to a computer or installing a backdoor. Metasploit also includes encoders. These encoders scramble the code of the attack program to try to sneak past anti-virus programs.

He went over a new tool call the Social Engineer Toolkit (SET). I tried it out on Backtrack Linux. This tool is amazing. It has everything you need to set up a social engineer attack. There are so many tools. It can set up phishing emails, complete with handy templates. There are a number of ways to load malware on to documents such as PDFs. It allows the attacker clone websites and load exploits on them. It even sets the website up for you. These fake websites can steal credentials or launch malware. It has a Java program that can be installed on the fake website. The Java program presents a credible looking fake certificate to user and when the user press okay, bam. You can create infectious USB/CD/DVD drives. There are even SMS attacks and malicious QRcode generators. It will allow you to set up malicious AP.

The speaker warns against misuse of the tool. He state that, “The difference between penetration testing and hacking is permission.” 

Spying on the neighbors.

In my last adventure engaged in session hijacking over WIFI. This made me wonder how many people out there have unsecured WIFI. So I loaded Vistumber. It is available from See project 8-2 in the book. This is a WIFI monitoring tool that gives SSID, MAC address, channel, signal strength, authentication type and other information. You can even set the speaker to tell you when it finds a signal. If the computer has GPS, it will automatically record the WIFI APs location. I could see this tool being useful for tracking down rouge APs.

Vistumber was able to pick up a surprising number of signals, even though many of them were too weak to connect to. I live in a typical residential neighborhood and without leaving my house I managed to pick up 46 signals. Of those 46, 3 were completely open, including my next door neighbors. Another 3 had open guest accounts. One used WEP for which there are cracking tools available. So more than one out of seven homes in my neighborhood were vulnerable. The other homes were using WPA or WPA2. But I bet a few of these may have had the router’s passwords set to default and could be opened. (I didn’t try.)

I found that if I held my laptop against the living room wall I could pick up quite a few signals. My daughter looked at me like what was I doing. I explained. She asked, “Dad! You’re NOT going to break into the neighbor’s computers are you!?” I assured her that I wasn’t. But I could have. My neighbor has a state of the art burglar alarm, but he left the door wide open for a virtual burglar. 

How to creep your kids out.

This week I played around some more with penetration tools. I admit, it is kind of fun. But I have mixed feeling about this because these tools in the wrong hands can be so easily misused. I played around with a Java application called Cookie Cadger. It is available at Cookie Cadger can be used for session hijacking, in a similar way to Firesheep. It does this by monitoring for packets containing session cookies. After it finds the cookies, they are placed in a list. Just click on a session cookie and the hijacked session will pop up in Firefox. It was too easy. I used a machine running Backtrack Linux as the attack machine. First I attacked the victim computer over encrypted WIFI. I did this by doing a man in the middle attack. I used Nmap to find the IP address of the victim. I used a simple command line tool called Arpspoof for the MITM attack. Before I knew it I had hijacked my Yahoo mail, Blogger, and YouTube accounts. Then I temporary turned off my router’s encryption, it simulate an open WIFI spot. With Linux I was able to set the card into monitor mode and capture all packets coming from my home computers.

I showed my youngest son and daughter how it worked. My daughter’s reaction was, “That is creepy, totally creepy!” My oldest daughter came by for a visit. She pulled out her smart phone and connected to the home WIFI. My younger daughter said, “Be careful. Dad can see everything. I mean EVERYTHING!” It is kind of creepy. How many people will use an unsecure WIFI hotspot without a thought not realizing that the person sipping coffee at the next table is stealing all their personal secrets?