Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Using malware for penetration testing.

Penetration Testing With Honest-To-Goodness Malware
By Gunter Ollmann
October 01, 2013

Gunter Ollman encourages uses specially designed malware for penetration testing. This malware would be especially designed to report back and then remove itself. This type of testing is important because malware attacks are one of the main ways networks are compromised. Unskilled attackers using very average malware programs often succeed. Networks are increasing layers of network security but are still leaving themselves open to malware attack. Malware is often installed using social engineering methods. This penetration testing would replicate the actual methods that malware attackers would use. This type of testing would not be easy, because a range of different attack methods would have to be used. Malware threats are increasing as more people are bringing their personal devices into the workplace.  

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